Factors Associated with Prematurity in Infants Receiving Oxygen in a Kangaroo Mother Care Program in Bogotá, 2020

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Sonia Esperanza Guevara-Suta
Olivia Margarita Narváez-Rumié
Adriana Rocío Gutiérrez-Galvis
Ruth Liliana López Cruz
Martha Milena Díaz-Cedeño
Natalia Pérez- Arenas
Jeannette Polo-Cueto
Angie Liceth Grattz- Pérez
Daniela Alejandra Pinzón-Chaparro
Wendy Michel Torres-Bernal


Characterizing premature infants receiving oxygen in public health programs allows for developing strategies to address challenges in children and their families. Objective: To determine the factors associated with prematurity in infants receiving oxygen in a Kangaroo Mother Care Program (KMC) in Bogotá during 2020. Materials and Methods: A historical cohort study identified from information recorded by the Subnetwork of Bogotá, 86 preterm infants with a gestational age of 36 weeks or less, receiving oxygen in KMC during 2020, were analyzed. Results: 54 % of infants with a gestational age of 32 weeks or less were girls, with an average weight of 1620 grams. 94 % of infants with a gestational age of 32 weeks or less received pulmonary surfactant, while 58 % of those over 33 weeks received the treatment. 57 % presented moderate respiratory distress. Oxygen with a T-piece was administered to 8 4 % of infants aged 32 weeks or less 0.6 2% had Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, and 16 % of readmissions were due to Bronchiolitis. A statistically significant association was found between weight, gestational age, the Silverman-Anderson test, FIO2, and TGRE, with a significance level <0.005, indicating a dependence between these variables. Conclusions: This study examines how gestational weeks, weight, the Silverman-Anderson test, FIO2, pulmonary surfactant administration, and blood transfusions are interconnected. The clinical course of the disease could be modified by intervening in gestational weeks and premature birth.


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Guevara-Suta, S. E., Narváez-Rumié, O. M., Gutiérrez-Galvis, A. R., López Cruz, R. L., Díaz-Cedeño, M. M., Pérez- Arenas, N., … Torres-Bernal, W. M. (2024). Factors Associated with Prematurity in Infants Receiving Oxygen in a Kangaroo Mother Care Program in Bogotá, 2020. Pediatría, 57(1), e401. https://doi.org/10.14295/rp.v57i1.401


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