Update of the treatment of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (mis -c) associated with SARS - COV2

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María Estéfani Goicoechea Alvarado
Domingo Bernardo Cedrón Ortiz
Segundo Luis Zavaleta Medina
Fiorela Elicene Solano Zapata


Background: Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (mis - c) associated with SARS- CoV-2 is a syndrome derived from a primary complication of COVID-19 infection, which can present within the acute phase or in the convalescent phase of the disease. Objective: to update the available evidence on the treatment of this syndrome.  Methods: A search for information was carried out in the databases PubMed, Scielo, Cochrane, Science Direct and Google Scholar. A targeted search strategy was used for each database with the keywords: "MISC"; "pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome" "COVID 19" "treatment" considering the cut-off years from 2020 to 2023. Analytical and review observational articles were included. Results: 30 studies were included, it is concluded that immunomodulatory treatment is the treatment of choice in patients with MIS-C with antiplatelet therapy being the supportive treatment for the patient. Discussion: No case reports or clinical trials were included so studies are required to expand the available evidence. Others: This study did not receive external funding.


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How to Cite
Goicoechea Alvarado, M. E., Cedrón Ortiz, D. B., Zavaleta Medina, S. L., & Solano Zapata, F. E. (2024). Update of the treatment of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (mis -c) associated with SARS - COV2. Pediatría, 57(2), e448. https://doi.org/10.14295/rp.v57i2.344
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